Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas invites the public to comment on its 2025–2028 Local Plan, in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) §108.
WIOA directs us to prepare and submit a four-year local plan that outlines our priorities to support the economic growth of our workforce board area in order to meet the needs of employers and job seekers, and to promote collaboration among education institutions, training providers, employers, economic development entities, community-based organizations and other service providers.
Our proposed 2025-2028 Local Plan can be accessed at through the link on the home page, and comments may be submitted in the same location. The public comment period ends on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
The programs and initiatives we oversee ensure that businesses in our 14-county North Central Texas region remain competitive and grow jobs, that workers have opportunities to obtain skills and a career that will help them become or remain self-sufficient, and that our communities prosper and are economically resilient. Your input is invaluable to the work we do every day, and we encourage you to provide feedback.
Link to 2025-2028 Local Plan